Pray for the Harvest:

This is where the soil is cultivated to receive gospel seed.  It is the space where eternity is altered.  I have the easier task - interacting, encouraging, explaining the beauty of the gospel with people throughout the day. Sure, there are days when I am both discouraged & intimidated. Thus, I need brothers & sisters who will regularly pray for both:  

  • The lost in our city to grow a thirst for living water.
  • The Lord's help & protection for me daily - as we share the task of 'offering the water of life without price.' 

Financially Invest in the UberMinistry:

I have for almost a year & a half, sought to fund this ministry solely through the dollars earned through driving.  This is simply not possible - especially for a family our size. We have burned through everything. Julie and I joke that is it like being newly married with absolutely nothing - except that we have 7 children & a mortgage.  I currently drive 6-7 days a week (25K miles this year to date), and would like to decrease this to no more than 4-5 days, freeing up time to study, write, & meet with individuals I have made contact with.  I have already pushed a few of these meetings off, as I simply do not have energy, nor time to follow up. I am conflicted in raising support, as I would prefer to fund the ministry through my own earnings.

That said, Antioch Bible Church has brought me on local-impact missionaries (An 'Antioch Ambassador'). I have committed to the Uber-ministry one year at a time at this point.  Both myself and the Missions Leadership Team will annually assess the impact & strategy of the mission, along with my own introspection, as to God's calling on my life. Personally, I believe this may be the most strategic thing I have ever been a part of - at least in terms of exhorting the church through personal example, while carrying out the work of an evangelist.  My sermons no longer come from behind a pulpit, but instead from behind a steering wheel.  There is both sadness & joy in this for me (understatement).  Frankly, if I can be more useful in populating heaven from this "platform" then I count it the highest honor to be useful to the King.  

The ABC (Antioch Bible Church) Missions Leadership has set a budget of $6700 a month for our family.  This amount covers living expenses, medical insurance, along with ministry expenses. The ABC Missions Team has oversight of the budget & responsibility for the management & dispersement of funds. Melanie Williams, ABC Missions Ministry Director, is your direct contact for any questions you may have related to fundraising:

Yes, all financial support is tax deductible.  Yes, all giving is anonymous in the dollar amount.  Melanie will give us groups of names of those financially supporting the ministry.  We need this encouragement that others believe in the strategic nature of our vision.  We also want to be able to thank you personally.  So, the dollar amounts will remain confidential between you, the Lord, & Melanie.  I have asked to not have that information, in order to give supporters freedom to increase, decrease, or cease funding without our knowledge.  I have never known dollar amounts as a pastor, I don't intend to start now.  Please pray about how the Lord might have you participate with us - no monthly amount is too small. Your amount may go towards the purchasing of a $5 bible that gets into the hands of a person living in the city, you too call home!  

Two ways you can send financial participate in the Uber-ministry:

  1. ONLINE: click the button below:

Choose “Antioch Missions” in the drop down under “Campaign” and fill in the remaining fields.

  • Be sure to include “Jayson/Julie Turner support” in the Comment section.
  • choose either a “One Time” or “Recurring” option for your financial support. 

2.     MAIL-IN: You can send a check to:

Antioch Bible Church
Attn:Mission Ministry
12316 134th Court NE
Redmond, WA 98052

And be sure to include a note that says: “Support for Jayson/Julie Turner”

Thank you for prayerfully considering Joining us.  We are in this together.